How to Set Up SVT-HEVC Library for H.265 Encoding in Nimble Streamer Transcoder

2023-04-12 04:01:01 By : Ms. Lisa Chou
The implementation of SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding in Nimble Streamer Transcoder offers many benefits for streaming services looking to provide high-quality video content to their audiences.

First and foremost, SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding offers higher video compression than previous encoding standards. This means that video content can be streamed at a lower bitrate while maintaining high visual quality, reducing bandwidth usage and server load.
Softvelum blog: Nimble Streamer, WMSPanel, Larix SDK: SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding setup in Nimble Streamer Transcoder

The integration of SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding in Nimble Streamer Transcoder is made possible through the use of the Larix SDK. This SDK provides the necessary tools and libraries for video transcoding and streaming, allowing for seamless integration of new encoding technologies like SVT-HEVC.

For streaming services, the use of Nimble Streamer Transcoder with SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding can significantly improve the overall viewer experience. Videos will load faster and stream more smoothly, even on lower bandwidth connections.

In addition to its technical benefits, the use of SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding in Nimble Streamer Transcoder can also provide cost savings for streaming services. With lower bitrates and reduced server load, streaming services can scale their operations more efficiently and cost-effectively, without sacrificing video quality.

Overall, the implementation of SVT-HEVC H.265 encoding in Nimble Streamer Transcoder is a significant advancement in video streaming technology. By harnessing the power of this new encoding standard, streaming services can provide their audiences with high-quality video content that streams faster, reduces bandwidth usage, and is more cost-effective to deliver.